Forum Discussion

cestlaviethree's avatar
Jul 01, 2016

Finally a Fulltimer what should we expect?,

Well it took close to 2 years of planning, but the family and I made the big move to fulltiming. We are putting the finishing touch on the TT (Outback 324CG) to make it fulltime friendly. Now that we are here any other fulltimers have any words of advice as we get underway?

We will be mostly static for the first few months as we get our feet wet, but will steadily increase our travels for the next 12 months.

I'm all ears.

Thanks All!
-Al :)


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  • cestlaviethree wrote:
    ...snip.....We will be mostly static for the first few months as we get our feet wet, but will steadily increase our travels for the next 12 months.

    I'm all ears.

    Thanks All!
    -Al :)

    That is a good plan. I traveled thousands and thousands of miles my first couple of years. Thought I had to see it all in those first few months. That was thirteen years ago and now I realize I have time to spend a few days weeks or months wherever I like.

    One tip is to acquire and become proficient with all the electronic toys that will do everything from guide you down the highway to finding a good restaurant along the way. Geocaching is a great way to explore an area. You will make some amazing discoveries.
  • Thanks all...

    I think you're right. The hardest part is learning how to slow down, knowing we have so many places on our list.

    Thanks again!

  • The biggest thing is SLOW DOWN.

    Lots of people start out putting on 10's of thousands of miles the first year or two and then get burnt out.

    You have no place to be. If it takes you a month to get from Ohio to Florida, that's OK.

    When in travel mode we shoot for 100-150 miles a day and 2-3 days travel per week. Then we will intersperse that with a month or two stopped when we find a nice place. Makes for nice relaxed travel days that don't start until around 10am (after rush hour) and end by 1pm (before rush hour).

    Side note: Monthly stays are typically drastically cheaper than nightly stays (plus you aren't burning fuel), so it's a great way to keep costs under control.
  • My words of advice to any full-timer are:

    1. Move slowly (there is much to enjoy in every place you will visit).
    2. Geocaching ('forces' you to visit places you would not normally see and often teaches you something about the area/history).
    3. Solar (silent and 'free' power is fantastic).
    4. High altitude in the summer, low in the winter (cooler/warmer).
    5. Enjoy the journey/adventure!!
  • We've full timed for a while and it is great and now we're half timers. We've used motorhomes and 5th wheel trailers during these times. Our first trailer didn't hold up as well as our present one and I believe the main reason is you need to be more aware of the weight you're caring than a motorhome. Suggest that you get it set up the way you plan to travel and have it weighted.

    Full timing is a great life, you get to meet many great people and see some wonderful sights.
  • Welcome to this forum as well, look forward to your blogs!