RickW wrote:
A concern I have is the ease of access to your switch. If I were a curious 12 year old, I would flip the switch to see what happened.
My 10 year old son know's what the switch does, he understands AC and DC polarity, and he can interpret the indicator lamps using the little chart above the switch.
IF he ever did flip the switch (he won't, but I might accidentally),
nothing would happen... except the inverter/charger would beep-beep-beep indicating that the hot/neutral were swapped.
rjxj wrote:
1/3 of the places seems like a surprisingly large number. Do you trust their water?
Yep, it's shocking how often I encounter this. But again, I don't stay in campgrounds.
NO! I don't trust the water! As a matter of fact I'm far more vigilant about where I take on water than where I get ac power.