ktosv wrote:
Having driven this section of road many times for spring break, and not being there to see it, this is exactly what happened...;)
The far left lane was going 85mph while the right lane was going 75 mph. This person towing the trailer was going a resonable 65 mph in the center lane to avoid merging and exiting traffic. Someone going 90 mph decided they needed to pass on the right but there was unbelievably an even slower moving vehicle in the right lane. So to get back left before hitting said slow vehicle they cut off the SUV towing the trailer causing them to take evasive action but in the process lost control and flipped the trailer.
I live not far from I-75 in Tampa. We travel I-75 a lot! Your summary is spot on. I've seen many accidents over the years on I-75 involving everything from econo-boxes to RV's to horse trailers to 18-wheelers. We've been hit in the rear quarter panel twice over the years by people not paying attention drifting out of their lane. Watched an 18-wheeler cross the median and crash into the guardrail across oncoming traffic. A Suburban towing a 30~~ft travel trailer almost stopped before hitting the truck. buckled up the front of the Burb and made a V out of the hitch receiver. No injuries thankfully.
The Burb, Yukon, Tahoe isn't necessarily a bad TV.