Forum Discussion

  • Methinks an EV truck with a limited range of >150 miles will be a challenge for most of us "truckers". Especially for us that--once upon a time--used a timing light to set ignition timing to "2 degrees BTDC"; aka "old school".

    Range is the primary reason why many of us have large fuel tanks; my F150 has a commuting range of 450 miles and just over 300 when towing.
  • Ford should've hung a fake tailpipe and put a speaker playing fake ICE noise under the hood if they wanted to be all double naught. Pull alongside in traffic, seems the absence of engine noise gives it away.:B
  • BB_TX wrote:
    EV trucks are just starting to come of age. But like the model T, they are simply the beginng of the future. And not too distant future at that.

    EV trucks

    Good comprehensive article. The only one that’s out of the running is Nikola which turned out to be a fraud.
  • EV trucks are just starting to come of age. But like the model T, they are simply the beginng of the future. And not too distant future at that.

    EV trucks
  • Reisender wrote:
    Is that boxyness on the present gassers as well? I don’t mind the looks of an F150 but this looks especially ugly. Maybe it’s the camo.
    Not sure when the F150 got so boxy. I am keeping my 2001 with some curves until this changes.

    I better eat my words on this as I actually like the simple industrial look of the Bollinger and it is a very square box.
  • time2roll wrote:
    Seems very boxy. A bit more aero and Ford could save 10 kWh of battery per truck.

    Is that boxyness on the present gassers as well? I don’t mind the looks of an F150 but this looks especially ugly. Maybe it’s the camo.
  • Lots of trucks sold never tow anything ever. This might be the prime EV use for the first few years. Will save tons on fuel and maintenance.
    Could even bring more people into the truck market if they can operate at the cost of a Prius.
  • I think EV 1/2 tons will work for the weekend camping crowd that tow little trailers to the local lakes. Around here that is super common. Even a few hundred kilometres of towing range would work for many. People are already doing that here with EV SUV’s.
  • Since this is a RV website and trucks are used to tow expect a very short range when dragging your parachute off to the campground. While I would love a EV 1 Ton 4x4 crew cab long bed truck with a towing range of 300 miles I believe it will never happen short of being a hybrid with maybe a small turbine.

    Ford will of course sell every single one of these trucks and it sure does make sense for commuters and home Depot runs.
  • Seems very boxy. A bit more aero and Ford could save 10 kWh of battery per truck.