goducks10 wrote:
Your gasser is worth less than my diesel because you paid less for it. Not because no one wants a gasser but just because it was less expensive to begin with. My diesel is worth more because I paid more.
Yes and no. Its not worth more simply because you paid more for it. It is only worth more if the next buyer thinks it is worth more. Think of the housing market... all these idiots assumed that someone else would always be willing to pay more for the house.
Look at the Ford 6.0 engines. You can buy those cheaper than gas now. They aren't worth more simply because the original owner paid more for it.
Diesels are only worth more because their is a perceived higher value. If they came out with a new, more powerful and more fuel efficient engine tomorrow, your diesel value would plummet. The amount of money that you paid for it has very little effect on its future worth.