pfidahospud wrote:
I pre-dilute the bleach in a gallon so of water, then add it using a PVC funnel I made:
Funnel parts
Finished product
The funnel mainly gets used when I'm filling the fresh water tank with portable containers. Just another idea to add to the suggestion box maybe.
I have that pic saved in another browser window! It's brilliant :)
I need to work out a way to hook it to the side of the camper to keep it upright while inserted.
Why use a vinyl hose or funnel? The opening of the water fill would only let a very small bit of the hose end to meet the opening and spill water or whatever and then I'd have to stand there and hold it the whole time.
The valve on the vinyl tubing allows me to control water on/off for fill, rinse, whatever from the camper end after turning on the spigot ;)