Forum Discussion

freddmc's avatar
Apr 29, 2013

Fuel Mileage and Edge Insight

I bought a 2005 Dodge Dually Cummins a few months ago and decided I would like some extra gauges as we want to tow with it and I was particularily interested in Trans temp.
Anyway after a lot of research and questions I decided to get the Edge Insight CTS. It gives me a LOT of information, most of which I am still figuring out the relevance of, but slowly getting there.

But there are a couple of bits of info it provides that has been a real eye opener and that is instantaneous mileage and average mileage. By using both of these I have been able to get astonishing (to me anyway) mileage results. With the instantaneous mileage I can see what effect my right foot has on fuel usage and what effect a change in driving methods can produce.
I don"t have any towing mileage to speak of yet but this morning in a trip of about 120 miles(some freeway, some in-town and some rural roads) I averaged 33 mpg. This as a result of using a lighter right foot,cruise control and paying attention to the gauge. Its kinda like sitting in a taxi and watching the meter clic away(except you have no control over the meter).
  • There is also a Mileage Coach option within the CTS. I haven't spent any time checking it out but it might be worth looking into. The CTS is an awesome unit with tons of features. I am looking to add in a pressure gauge for my air system (Train horns and bags) as well as hooking up a backup camera into it.
  • Believing your mileage from what a gauge says is like believing a salesman from what his mouth says.

    It takes faith.

    However, the gauge can show that driving habits will have a great impact on the mileage you achieve.

    I've found other gauges do that too, especially the vacuum gauge, the EGT gauge, and the boost gauge. And the speedometer.
  • I'm REAL interested to see what you get when you hand calculate. My guess is you will be disappointed, but I hope I'm wrong.
  • On my 06 Ford with the Edge Insight CTS I run EOT-ECT-TFT-FICM-EGT-ICPpsi-ICPv-VGT%-Boost in the dash-Fuel on the column-Volts off a power port.
  • I really like the Edge Insight CTS gauges....I keep the ECT, EOT, and Trans temp up with the EGR temp in the middle....I played with all the other readings and possibilities...but you can go crazy trying to figure out what to watch!! So I settled for those 4....especially monitoring delta's between ECT and make sure the oil cooler isn't clogging up.
  • No egt,

    You are right, there wasn't too much stopping, 1/2 the trip was highway at 55. Even if it is 4-5 mph high that still is around 30 which is pretty good. I guess what I was trying to point out is that if you have the information (i.e. instant mpg readout) it makes it possible to modify your driving to achieve better fuel economy. That is something I have not had in any other vehicle I have driven and so even when you THINK you are driving to achieve better fuel economy seeing it on a guage shows you.
  • I wouldn't believe the CTS for fuel economy any more than I would believe the overhead average readout, and the overhead is a big fat liar (mine reads 3.5-4mpg high). Your actual mileage may be in the low 20's if your lucky (or you are cruising around at 50mph and never stopping)!

    45, it will pull RP.
  • So did you also tap the exhaust so you can get the EGT also? I really like the Edge Insight CTS from what I've read. It also gives you rail pressure IIRC. And the tranny temp is certainly nice to have.
  • Not EXACTLY hand calculated. It is the figure from the Edge Insight gauge.

  • Are you saying that you got 33 mpg in mixed driving with a Cummins dually?

    Is this had calculated?
    If true, I might have a truck for sale.