Well, First night was interesting. Charged up the batteries and the CO alarm kept going off when running the furnace on batteries. I opened the windows and after the 3rd time I shut the furnace off.
In the am it was about 50 in the camper. Not terrible, not chilly nonetheless. The women were not amused. I checked out the detector in the morning and realized it was being set off from low voltage. Green/Red/Green is low voltage. Red flashing is CO detection.
I had installed a digital volt meter years back so I could watch voltages. While the furnace was running under battery power it dropped to 11.7 volts. Once it shut off the voltage would go back up. I am guessing prolonged load was enough to set the alarm off because it wasn’t instant.
On the second night I disconnected the alarm, left the windows cracked and set it for 65. I have a battery powered alarm that I left intact. Heater ran all night no problem. I doubt I could had gotten 2 nights without charging the battery.