Forum Discussion

AZ_RVer's avatar
Oct 03, 2021

Garbage Cans

Where do you folks with a Lance 1172 keep your garbage can in your camper?
  • I know nothing about any Lance campers, but I have a 5gallon rectangular bucket for trash. It fits in a corner of the camper out of the way. A 5 gallon container might seem large but it works well with a standard kitchen trash bag and I find lots of times when a large container is handy. I often use it to empty my gray water tank and tote the water to where ever tent campers are supposed to dump their kitchen and wash water.
  • I use a 2 gallon waste bucket and plastic grocery bags and empty it every day. If we stay in a park with recycle bins, i hang a large kitchen bag on my pantry door knob to collect cans and plastic bottles/jars.
  • I don't have a Lance 1172, but I use one of these or my clipper. I have a towel bar acroos from the stove by the door and this hangs perfectly on it. It keeps it up higher so the dogs stay out of it and it doesn't block anything. I did have to get a couple cheap clips to hold the top and base together - otherwise anything other than paper would drag the bag down.

    For the trailer, I am still working on the best solution. Currently I just keep a narrow trash bin on the counter.

    One thing with both is that I use small 8 gallon bags and take the trash to the dumpster every day or two.