Aug-06-2015 04:15 AM
Aug-12-2015 12:17 PM
Gdetrailer wrote:Yah, I do that - if the pump will allow it. Otherwise, I use another card or go inside. It's not a big deal.
Additionally using your credit or debit card at gas stations you are OFTEN limited to $75 per unsigned transactions.. This means if you have a large fuel tank you will need to run your card through two or more times to fill your tank..
Not to mention many gas stations will also put a HOLD on your account when using unsigned purchases at the pump for TWICE the purchase price..
The Debit mode IS the same as you writing a physical check and there typically is no fraud "protection" on a written check and is up to your banks policies as to what they may do for you..
Aug-11-2015 06:08 PM
Aug-11-2015 05:37 PM
GMandJM wrote:
Is that in your neck of the woods, Hannibal?
Good on the lady who found out her deceased mother's card had been used and went to all those places to look at surveillance video. That must have been very helpful to the police.
Aug-11-2015 04:15 PM
Aug-11-2015 04:01 PM
Aug-11-2015 02:03 PM
Aug-11-2015 05:54 AM
Hannibal wrote:
Glad they caught the thief.
Aug-10-2015 07:55 PM
Aug-10-2015 07:42 PM
Aug-10-2015 06:52 PM
fj12ryder wrote:
Hmm, let me see. If my credit card gets compromised I'm out a max of $50, but it has been compromised in the past and it's never cost me a dime. Or I can buy some $100 gift cards and be out $100 or more if something happens to them. Naw, I think I'll stick to the credit card.
And your sister lost all the money in her bank account and was not reimbursed by the bank? Looks like your sister doesn't listen to you either. 🙂
Aug-10-2015 04:29 PM
Aug-10-2015 03:05 PM
2oldman wrote:BenK wrote:I hear scare stories like this all the time, but have yet to hear of it actually happening. I don't really see how draining an account could happen that fast, unless your balance is just a few hundred dollars.
What is missed is that, when they compromise your is not that far from them going a bit farther to then steal your ID top empty your accounts (plural)
BEFORE you have a chance to check it
The thing about text alerts is that you can know RIGHT NOW as it's happening. If you're still in the paper age (no text phone) then that's a different ball game. It's my belief that no bank is going to abide by fraud, let your accounts be drained and tell you "sorry". That's just not good business.
If you prefer lots of cash and separate cards, that's fine. Whatever works for you.
What the heck is this thread doing in Tow Vehicles??
Aug-10-2015 08:58 AM
Aug-10-2015 05:29 AM
philh wrote:
I carry branded fuel only cards...