So says someone who wanted my advise and where to buy their gear lube. I offered to sell it to him at Dealer Cost and the emails started from there.
"I know you are big on the Amsoil brand, thinking of breaking down ,and going with the 75/110 gear lube for my rear axle. I am due to change it, and not seeing a terrible difference in price with it. Do you use one source over another to purchase Amsoil, or where the best place to get it. I am doing this on ONE condition you don't tell anyone :D. No just kidding, it seems like it would be good as any, considering it calls for full synthetic. Thanks"
My responding email
This is my cost. The shipping is on every order no matter big or small it seems to always be $11.99. Tax is based on my zip. So the total may very slightly.
If your interested you would need to figure a way to get it paid. I am assuming 4 quarts? No gallon sizes, it jumps to 5 gallon pail.
I figure if you want to post about it’s up to you.
"Hi Ron, This is an order I started on the Amsoil web site for 5 quarts of the Severe Gear 75-90 , I joined the club membership for 6 months for $10, which is included in the total, not sure why it didn’t show. It showed before I went to checkout shown below. The price per quart was 13.90. My price for the 75-110 was $14.35, but I decided I don’t need 75-110, towing 13K. If I was to buy just 4 quarts of 75-90 using the the same shipping tax ,plus the $10, it would be a total of 79.56,if it was 75-110 it would be 81.36, so a bit more then your cost by $8.10. For that its not worth it for you to have to mess with it . Actual price difference per quart is $.70 for the 75-110 . My shipping, and tax is helping a little on the total. Kinda offsetting a bit of the $10 membership cost.
Thanks for the offer, that was nice of you.
I’m thinking its 8.5 pints for the 11.5 axle listed on the Amsoil site, I see you mention 4 quarts ( 8 pints ) my manual is not giving the amount, so if its 4 quarts to fill it, then I got an extra quart for the next time ,no big deal. I noticed on a youtube video, that the 2500 had a fill line to go by, nothing on my 2014 3500 axle, so I am assuming fill to the check hole ???????. Thats what I have always done on my previous trucks, that or find out exactly what the amount is , it sounds like they can be overfilled ??????.
One other thing, on my window sticker I saved from my truck purchase ,it has on it a Anti spin rear axle, Is that a limited slip axle??? I sure don’t know. The reason I ask is whether I need that limited slip additive , its something I had to do in my previous truck .
Let me ask one other thing, I am a bit anal, thinking I want to replace the gasket, there is a website in Billings, Mt., that has a good price on them, and new bolts if wanted . Is this something you do ?? The new bolts I noticed they offer have the locktite on them. Anyway thanks for any info you can give me."
Anyway I could post more but I hope you all get the point, he is against everyDAMZ think I promote and it get's tiresome!!!