bgdg001 wrote:
So I am getting a used camper tomorrow (1998 Lance Squire 8000) What things do I need to do to get it ready for camping?
Basically what things do you all do when getting your campers out of winter storage to get them ready for the camping season?
Easy answer.
Get the things loaded, water on board (if you are not going somewhere that has it), charge your batteries. That done, go on an overnight, somewhere close and write down what you have forgotten. A pre-trip, even in your driveway, is better than getting to Hanksville, Utah and realize you have gotten something.
When I started traveling, by myself over 45 years ago, I thought I had to bring everything with me. Marrying a very smart lady in that she taught me there are always a Target or Wal-Mart, for many of those forgotten items, or items you can get when you get there and throw away, when you leave (flying on Jets technique).
Sadly, for those that know me now realize I should have kept the wife around, as I now am back to my old habits, in that I carry everything with me.:B
Yes, a short pre-trip is a good break in for your first long trips of the season.