Forum Discussion

egarant's avatar
Explorer III
Mar 01, 2017

Getting INVERTER power to all existing outlets

I finally have the ability to turn on my 2000 watt pure sing wave inverter and send that power to all the camper outlets!

This is simple IF you have a generator package but do not have a generator installed. If this is your case, read on...

A generator prep package gives you a automatic relay switch that switches between shore or generator power. If you can place your inverter close to this switch as I was able to do, you can simply run a heavy duty extension cord from your inverter to this switch.

Since the switch is operated by current provided by the generator (5 watts), you want to swap the generator/shore power leads so that when you are running your inverter you are not also powering the switch. Once you open the switch box, you will see how easy this is to accomplish.

YOU HAVE TO REMEMBER to turn off your units charger when you turn on the inverter! Then back on when you plug into shore power. There are different ways to accomplish this depending on how your converter/charger is configured, so you are on your own on that part. Mine was piggy backed into another breaker (very weird), so I just moved it to its own breaker.

So now, I am able to send power to all outlets, very cool!!

NOTE: I did run this idea by a tech at Progressive Dynamics as both the converter/charger and automatic switch was a product of theirs. He recommended a separate relay switch and sub panel (what TC has room for that!), but then conceded my idea would work and recommended swapping the generator/shore power leads in the automatic transfer switch box.
  • I'm installing a 4k pure sine wave inverter. It has a built in transfer switch and a 3 stage smart charger.

    It will power the whole coach, including the AC or the fireplace. Although I would't run either of those for long with it. To easy to start the honda 2k. I will be removing the converter/charger and the auto transfer switch that came with the TC.
  • My camper has no built in gen option so I added the Xantrex inline transfer relay when I installed my inverter. Fortunately I installed it in a cabinet directly behind the converter so I ran a separate lead feeding the converter/charger to the shore power connector on the input of the transfer relay. That way the only way it gets power is from shore power.

    Only other issue I had was my DC compressor fridge also has an AC input that it switches to automatically when live. Pulling the plug ensured it'll stay on 12v.

    I hadn't thought about it until now but I wonder if the Xantrex relay is setup so the inverter powers the relay. If so, since I rarely use shore power I'll have to think about reversing that.
  • does the blue sea only switch the Hot side?

    I the hot wire between Coach AC and Inverter AC (neutrals tied together).

    I found if the camper was plugged in to AC (coach power), and the inverter was turned off, and the SPDT switch switch set to coach power, and the line from SPDT switch to inverter (hot) was still plugged in, the GFI in my garage my camper was plugged into would trigger off.
    so I just unplugged the wire from switch to inverter when I would unplug the inverter. (it was not wired wrong, I checked several times)

    when I do this to my new camper (this weekend) I will switch both Hot and Neutral, but keep grounds common.
  • Can also get a small transfer switch for each circuit to limit what gets power instead of the big switch and sub panel.

    15 amp TS $50

    Lots of ways to make this work. I prefer a family proof system so they can just use stuff without being an electrical engineer.
  • RoyB's avatar
    Explorer II
    I always liked the MANUAL SWITCH idea that uses one of these BLUE SEA bank switches... This allows you to set up zones without two much wiring problems... You can add as many 120VAC zones as you want to...

    You can run all zones when on shore power or run selected zones when running off the Power Inverter. Keeps you from having to shut down things you don't want to be running when on the Inverter or small generator that won't run your whole 30A trailer...

    Google Image

    Google Image

    Google Image

    The typical wiring diagram would look like this...

    Google Image

    A little more work than just adding a CHANGEOVER RELAY Transfer Switch but gives you better control on what you want to have running on each position...

    Roy Ken
  • I'm jealous ... I switch manually. :( Also, your inverter is better, too!