I think you should get a 6500 box truck just so you can be sure to not need to buy another truck :) :) :)
Sorry so many people here can't answer a simple question and feel the need to interject so much useless information.
Yes, your setup is great. The diesel is more than adequate to pull that trailer and the payload of that truck is more than capable of carrying the tongue weight of the TT along with some people and gear in the truck. The payload of that truck is artificially de-rated so the truck can fit under the 10K GVWR rating for the class. This helps with registration costs in some areas. If you need proof just look at the axle ratings and you'll see how much capacity you actually have.
And to the "might as well by a dually" crowd. There is a HUGE difference between a 2500 and 3500 Ram. 2500 = nice coil springs. 3500 = harsh, bumpy leaf springs.
This whole thing would be like standing in line at Home Depot with a 2X4 in my hands and having a string of idiots file by and say,
you might as well get a 2X6..... or a 2X8....... or a 2X10."
OP just asked if a 2X4 would do and it's more than capable of what he needs.