whitebear80 wrote:
Excited to pick up the trailer, but have no experience of towing or even backup!
I didn't expect this is that hard... Gosh:(
frustrated, just pulled up straight ahead...
What am I going to do .........
Actually our driveway is not that short/narrow, but the trailer will not follow the way we want it to be
We realize that the trailer's wheels won't turn ...
Its not as hard as you think! Confidence is key. Tell yourself you can do it. Picture in your mind where it is that you want the rear of the trailer to be when you get it placed. The techniques you have been given are all right. Its what you can get compfy with. My advice, in addition to the good ideas you have alresdy is to make good safety habits like using your mirrors, not hanging out of an open door when backing, if you hit a tree with your door, you of course lose the door but also your head is in danger. SO all moves made with your head inside the truck. Before starting reverse operation, make sure the way is clear behind you by getting out and checking the lay of the ground for level, obstacles such as picnic tables, fire rings, trees etc. Make a move and recheck if needed. You can only get advice here. You have to build confidence in yourself. So find a parking lot and use cones or anything you can lay out and see clearly and practice ,practice ,practice! Also, don't be too proud to accept advice or a helping hand at a camp site from a well meaning fellow camper. We all started some where and had a first time and several first times. As for me, I pulled campers and drove trucks with pups trailers hauling dozers. I learned the trucks on myt own and the dozers and other heavy equipment on my own. I too advice from outside sources that were familiar with my work and I did fine with a little confidence in myself.