Trackrig wrote:
No it didn't really do any good. I'd take it to an RV shop since you haven't done it before and you're not at home. If you can't get it into one (call a mobil RV tech if you're in an RV park) go to YouTube to watch several videos first.
This is just one of many videos.
Also, while they're in there, have them inspect / adjust the brakes. When was the last time there were done?
I don't think I agree with this video, he didn't pre-load the bearings by tightening the castle nut then backing it off before inserting the "carter" pin. Also I wouldn't pack the groove in the rear seal with grease as that will seap out in hot weather and possibly get on the brake shoes.
Also have to disagree with coffeegrinder, never have had to replace a single bearing in 27 years of TT RV'ing on any of my several TT's ranging from 1973 to brand new (always replace seals though). I've repacked them all when needed and fortunately they've all been good. Couple of years ago we had an '85 Wilderness with original axles and bearings, repacked them with no problem, who knows how many miles were on them. With good maintenance (repacking at least once a year) they'll last as long as the trailer. Whenever I buy a used trailer, first thing I do is repack the bearings, check all the brakes and adjust if they are in good shape. Should never get a vehicle rolling unless you know you can stop it.