Forum Discussion

TravelTracer's avatar
May 23, 2013

GVWR Question

Is the weight of a full gas tank already figured in the weight of the TV, or does it have to be added along with everything else? i.e., people, gear, supplies, etc.

  • Thanks for the suggestions and the "Cat Scale Locator". I'll definitely have to get everything weighed. It's times like this that I wish I had a F250, however, we did not even think about a travel trailer when we bought our current truck.

  • in oregon we can weigh at the ODOT highway scales for free .
    i have weighed everything i own repeatedly .
    i have weighed for entertainment .
    i am amazed at how much heavier each vehicle is relative to its max gvw and curb weight posted in the brochure .
    the scales are your friends .
    odds are high that your guessed weight of your rig is 600 pounds light .
  • If you have a local transfer station or dump with a scale, they will probably give you a weight for no charge if you ask. Ours does.
  • Most truck stops will have a cat scale. I use closed DOT highway scales. At least around here they leave them on when closed for business. Makes a convent place to get weights and I stop often
  • Thanks for the replies....We're trying to plan a trip with Grandchildren and it looks like we will be close on GVWR, if not over. How do you find where scales are in your area?

  • GVWR is max weight EVER, so full of fuel, people, and stuff, with TT attached also if towing. Just pull it on the scales to see how close you are.
  • Basic weights are based on one 150 found driver and 1/4 tank of fuel. GVWR is the maximum weight the vehicle can safely be based on the manufacter certification to the federal government