Is the weight of a full gas tank already figured in the weight of the TV, or does it have to be added along with everything else? i.e., people, gear, supplies, etc.
Thanks for the suggestions and the "Cat Scale Locator". I'll definitely have to get everything weighed. It's times like this that I wish I had a F250, however, we did not even think about a travel trailer when we bought our current truck.
in oregon we can weigh at the ODOT highway scales for free . i have weighed everything i own repeatedly . i have weighed for entertainment . i am amazed at how much heavier each vehicle is relative to its max gvw and curb weight posted in the brochure . the scales are your friends . odds are high that your guessed weight of your rig is 600 pounds light .
Most truck stops will have a cat scale. I use closed DOT highway scales. At least around here they leave them on when closed for business. Makes a convent place to get weights and I stop often
Thanks for the replies....We're trying to plan a trip with Grandchildren and it looks like we will be close on GVWR, if not over. How do you find where scales are in your area?
Basic weights are based on one 150 found driver and 1/4 tank of fuel. GVWR is the maximum weight the vehicle can safely be based on the manufacter certification to the federal government