Forum Discussion

LVJJJ's avatar
Aug 06, 2016

Haunted Microwave

Ever heard of a Power Converter that makes a microwave oven go crazy? We have a 2004 Tahoe Lite with a Parallax 6300 Q Power Converter. We thought we had a haunted microwave as it would all of a sudden start up on its own, display 2222 once in a while, then just quit working, then start up again. We had to unplug it at night as it would beep and start and stop.

So I replaced the microwave and the new one is starting to do weird things also. Must be the Power Converter sending dirty electricity along the microwave circuit.

Any suggestions, ideas?
  • LVJJJ wrote:
    Thanks for the recommendation. Now microwave is working fine. When I first installed the new one, it lit up but didn't work at all. Plugged it into another outlet on a different circuit, then it worked. So, thought I'd re-plug back into the micro circuit, still working after 3 days. Nothing worse than diagnosing electrical problems unless sparks fly. Electricity is just a theory anyway. then Bill Gates made everything worse.

    I firmly believe this is not specific to 12Vdc or positive ground but applies to all wiring, enjoy!
  • Thanks for the recommendation. Now microwave is working fine. When I first installed the new one, it lit up but didn't work at all. Plugged it into another outlet on a different circuit, then it worked. So, thought I'd re-plug back into the micro circuit, still working after 3 days. Nothing worse than diagnosing electrical problems unless sparks fly. Electricity is just a theory anyway. then Bill Gates made everything worse.
  • I've read many good comments on here about Progressive Dynamics (PD) over the years.
  • LVJJJ wrote:
    Any recommendations as to what a good power converter brand is?

    The microwave is a new Kenmore, it replaced a Samsung
    Progressive Dynamics. Mine is working fine after 45 years.

    The 12V system doesn't power the microwave so a loss of 120V power is due to an interruption somewhere between the microwave and the load center (assumes your shore cord is good or generator produces consistent power). The number 1 suspect for me would be the receptacle the microwave is connected to or (if you've never looked at them) the lugs in the load center.
  • I had an intermittent microwave, finally got around to testing the outlet it plugged into and it had gone bad. I replaced it with a normal 20amp outlet from HD,, had to cut the hole a little bigger and use a small plastic box, but now it works fine
  • Any recommendations as to what a good power converter brand is?

    The microwave is a new Kenmore, it replaced a Samsung
  • My microwave is used as a bread box. I still have no clue as to why it was installed in the first place?
  • Hows your battery? With that converter a battery is mandatory. Normally, without one it will put a ton of noise and ripple into the 12V line. I suppose it could be putting something onto the 120V line but that isn't very likely.
    That really is a terrible converter. I would upgrade it before it leaves you sitting some weekend with a dead battery like it did to us in our last TT. Oh and it ruined the battery too.