Forum Discussion

Jpbeck1's avatar
Mar 04, 2017

Heads up for oldish TT

Our ten year old TT's fresh water tank fell from its bracket the other day. It was held in place with two channel like brackets on each side of it, and two plumbers straps. The straps gave out and snapped where it was screwed in, and the whole tank fell.

I remounted the tank, drilled more screws on the brackets and replaced the straps with angle iron I welded to the frame.

So if your rig is getting old, check your holding tanks, the straps might need attention.

If you have steel brackets check the welds, our last rig was only tac welded on.
  • Mine came from the dealer with the angle iron supports under the tank. :) That was back in 2002 when the trailer was brand new.

    But, good tip all the same, because I remember looking at used trailers at the time (back in 2002) and I saw many tanks that didn't have anything under them!

  • Yeah that'd be problem. My wife asked me the other day about the rigs that are sealed with that foam sheet. I told her I didn't know how someone would get to everything. I wonder how you'd get that off.
  • we have a enclosed under Belly. would have to undo to check.
    but its a good tip