Forum Discussion

Maver's avatar
Aug 31, 2016

Help - Buying a new trailer

My wife and I have an Outback 277RL that we really enjoy, but it's just too much trailer for my half ton pickup (false advertising by the manufacturer of my truck, in my opinion, but that's a whole different story).

We're stuck with either upgrading my truck or downsizing the trailer. We'll likely opt to downsize the trailer. We'd like to stick with the RL floor plan, and there are plenty to choose from, in the 24', 5,000 pound range. Models such as Apex, Vibe Extreme, Jayco, Kodiak, Hyper-Lyte Hemisphere, Summerland, and Mallard, to name a few.

We've been happy with the quality of the Outback (Keystone), and would like similar quality. Of the models I've mentioned (or perhaps any I've missed), does anyone have any recommendations? We'll use it quite a bit, so we're OK getting a little higher quality to help ensure that it lasts. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
