Grit dog wrote:
alexey75 wrote:
Thank you guys. I will buy some parts in advance and will go to replace just in case it wont fit.
Are you replacing seals and washers every year or just when needed?
No need to replace anything “yearly.”
If you’re pulling bearings to repack, you’ll need a new seal.
Idk what a “washer” is. No replaceable washer I’m aware of.
How many miles and why do you feel bearings need replaced?
(Other than a lot of times if I have grease or axles all apart I throw new bearings at it, but I also never disassemble to re grease.)
I don't know how many miles. The guy who sold it, wasn't be able to tell us how much it was in use.
I would like to be prepared for the worst case scenario, don't want to drive to city in case I will need some part.