Maybe this will help... in your house a three prong plug has a round hole for ground. The wider receptacle blade is neutral... the narrower flat receptacle is hot... this is so you cannot put the wider (neutral prong) of a polarized appliance into the (hot) narrower receptacle. Even if it does not have the round ground plug to stop you... now the rv plug neglected to make neutral wider... but if you look at a receptacle... campground or gen... if you orient the round plug high... neutral will be to your right... to match this with your cable plug... hold with prongs facing away from you as if you are plugging in, with round at top center neutral is low and to the right... hot to the left... on your repair plug hot should be brass colored. And neutral an aluminum or silver hue.. colors can be wrong. Or both may be same color... functional orientation should get you in the right pattern...
Btw... you have pretty much eliminated the cord as being faulty ... with one or less ohms between white neutral and green ground....and the same resistance between hot to neutral as hot to ground...the charging transformer is what you are measuring the resistance of...