RetiredRealtorRick wrote:
Freelander wrote:
I ran into this type of difficulty many years ago and had to have my local police department inspect the trailer to verify the serial number and with the report in hand from the police department, the SOS could then generate a title for the vehicle. I suggest you discuss with the SOS or DMV and also contact your local police department.
^^^exactly what he said^^^
Plus, did your insurance company accept the old VIN? If so, the DMV certainly should . . . but they're the DMV, so they do whatever they want.
Worse case scenario, try to register it in a no-title state, like Alabama. No titles on anything prior to 1974.
I don't know about Minnesota but many states require a resident to register in their own state in order to get useable plates..
I know PA doesn't allow a resident to live in PA and register any vehicle outside PA but yet use it in PA unless of course you are a commercial entity that has Interstate operations (but that is an expensive ball of wax).
If you live in PA, it must be titled and registered in PA, plus any trailer 3,001 lbs and over are subjet to an annual safety inspection..
Even if you tried to get a title outside MN in order to bring it in to get registered in MN you will be facing the same issue of the SN not matching the standardized 17 digit VIN.
OP is much better off attempting to find a different DMV in their state that has a better grip on how to handle legacy serial numbers in order to generate a title.