CharlesinGA wrote:
About the frame rust. If the OP intends to keep and use the trailer, they need to do something. I probably would be difficult to impossible to get the frame sandblasted and painted. I would buy a large can of POR15 and a brush and paint over the rust, that is what the POR15 is intended for and it does this well, seals it to prevent continued rusting. You then must overcoat it with another paint as the POR15 is UV sensitive and must be protected from UV.
Great suggestion....I wire brushed my trailer tongue and painted it with Rustoleum paint many years ago.
Here are some pics of the old gal. This is was our 1995 Layton.

And after (note the old school Reese Dual cam system...still have it in the garage ready to go back into service ;)) and yes, that is a 1 inch rise ball on top of that hitch head...thanks to JBarca for that tip. I never had an issue with the back of the trunnions hitting the trailer frame.
