Personal experience: F-350 SRW & Puma 253FBS fifth wheel trailer. Lots of complaints from 250 owners about squatty rear ends when hooked up--I would leave in the 4" blocks. Assume you are looking at SRW--dually sits about 2" lower than SRW. I got the big rectangular adapter and put a Reese R16 on top of it--trailer was 7.3" high nose out of level. Switched to the Elite slider that fits down in the pucks and lost 3". Then had to raise trailer 3" with Correct Track and 16" tires to get it level. If you are looking at a long bed truck, the under bed pucks are nice and the Elite hitch is very nice while a little expensive. If you need a slider for the short bed, it is just stupid expensive. If ordering our truck again, I would probably skip the Ford/Reese mounts and do the B&W system. Be aware that the Reese slider hitches never go down to the bottom hole--only the top 3. Our trailer is small/light so it does not push the springs down much--just to where the aux springs begin to touch. The fifth wheel plate on our trailer is 47" sitting unhitched and level. Still level when hitched up and the Reese hitch at the next to bottom hole. At that we still have 7" bed rail clearance. Need to get that adapter sold on ebay.