Forum Discussion

Mote's avatar
Jun 19, 2013

How do I haul a TC while still having the 5th wheel rails?

We are in the process of buying a 2001 Lance TC. I currently have the standard reese 5th wheel rails in the bed of my truck. We plan on keeping both campers for another year or two.
Those of you who have both, what do you do to haul the TC ?

  • Make a framework with 2X4 treated lumber to fit the bed with an opening for the 5er hitch.
  • You could also sell your current hitch and switch to a B&W turnover hitch type.
  • 2x4 frame that fits the bottom of the truck box with an opening for the hitch rails.

    The long side of the 2x4 frame gives the added benefit of being a reference while loading the camper. Makes it easier to see your alignment while backing under the camper.
  • When I still had my 5vr I used owens & corning foam board to set the camper on. Get the high density 2" thick board. Worked fine for me for years & easy to remove when not needed. Oh & my camper weighed 4000 loaded.
  • My last TC required a 2" spacer to clear the cab lights. I made a 1-1/2" x 1-1/2" frame and put 1/2" plywood on it. It keeps this camper clear of the 5th wheel rails. It has worked fine since "02. I also use it under the camper on its dolly when off the truck.
  • fuelhauler wrote:
    When I still had my 5vr I used owens & corning foam board to set the camper on. Get the high density 2" thick board. Worked fine for me for years & easy to remove when not needed. Oh & my camper weighed 4000 loaded.

    I use the same only in 3/4" 4x8 sheet. The SS hitch only leaves 4 "pucks" in the bed when the hitch is out. The foam board compresses nicely around the "pucks" and leaves a nice flat surface for the camper.
  • Thanks for all the ideas. I'll probably try the foam board route. Looking forward to our first truck camper trip.
  • I have the post style plate in the back of my truck I just cut out around the plate and spar varnished the 4 x 8 sheet of plywood from home depot... Works great....

    Mike C.
  • I pulled the bed liner pulled out tonight. The distance between the wheel wells with the bedliner is exactly the same as the width of the camper. So, the bedliner had to go.
    I then laid a level across the 5th wheel rails and took a measurement for the how thick of foam board I'll need. It's 1.5" so I'll go for the 2" foam board for a safety margain.