There was a post about this a little more than a month ago with lots of good photos here: Curt front hitch is rated at 500lbs. My hitch motorcycle carrier states it is rated to 600lbs (100 more than the front hitch).
I carry a 300ish lb drz400 and the rack is probably another 50lbs. It feels heavy. If your bike is going to weigh more than that I would get a front hitch that has 2 box receivers similar to Travel Ram's rack on the previous post. Mine rocks as I am driving, but nothing to worry about.
No problems with wind or heat. I drive thru the California valley in summer when it is over 100F to get to the Sierra Nevadas with no overheating issues.
I would look for a motorcycle carrier that has a storage basket or space to hold a fuel bottle on the rack if I bought another one.