Marketing double speak.. AND a PACK OF LIES..
Really,Just what is your "first hand" experience with a modern infared box heater in an RV?
I have used just about every heater made in my RV including Catalytic/Kerosene/Ceramic/Infared/oil etc etc and still have quite a collection of them.The infared box heater does by far the best job of all of them except maybe the Catalytic, in keeping my 30ft trailer and 21ft Motorhome warm in Idaho's winter climate.
Just to show I use it in an RV,here is a picture of it in the RV.

And in the house which it does an excellent job at,much more than any other portable heater I have used..I currently have a milk house heater/a tower heater/ceramic and the good old regular electric heater with setting from 400 watts to 1500 watts.I just sold a oil heater.
The airflow from this heater far exceeds any other I have tried and probably why it heats large area's much better.