Good move Jim... I always wanted the Truck Camper as that fits my OFF-ROAD camping lifestyle to a tee except for all the Radio and Camping stuff I always take with me when camping. I figured if I had the Truck Camper I would wold have have to drag an utility trailer along behind it. Also my truck would probably also have to be setup with DUAL WHEELS on the rear..
With my current OFF-ROAD POPUP setup and its 5x8 front deck along with my truck bed we can carry some serious supplies with us when camping...
Then there was what to do when you want to go sightseeing... Break camp or unload the camper... It would scare the pure H out of me leaving my camper sitting on the ground unattended somewhere.
End result I have just give up on the idea of ever having a Truck Camper.
Now you got both worlds sitting in your driveway... Makes me want to try it again on this end hehe...
Roy Ken