3oaks wrote:
donn0128 wrote:
Overloading is a real common problem for sure. But running ST tires beyond their maximum rated speed is also a guaranteed recipe for disaster
That is what I believe to be one of the major issues for ST tire failures. I see a great number of rigs flying past me on the highways while I'm cruising along at 60-65MPR. Of course I can't tell if they have ST or LT tires on at the time. But when I catch up to some of them at a rest area before they are about to pull out while I am just arriving, I take notice and see many with ST tires. :E
Well there are some of us that know what we are doing.
I have 11,300 lbs of capacity tires on my 7000 lb trailer.......ST load range E and 87 mph speed rating. Add to that upgraded from 3500 lb to 4400 lb axles, brakes and leaf springs. Towing that with an F350 dually crew cab long bed with air bags and WD hitch. Some of us are qualified (at least equitpmentwise) to do the speed limit. I hate it when people b!tch about someone doing 75 mph.