Forum Discussion

Pzilly's avatar
Nov 13, 2019

in need of macerating toilet options advice.

Hello there fellow RV nuts.

I am looking for advice on a macerating toilet for our big toy hauler, what I have been finding is more items like marine toilets which pump the debris through a hose to remote tank like in our cruiser, I don't need that, we currently have the typical toilet with a foot valve that drops in to the typical black tank, which is mostly fine but I think where our toilet is located in relation to the tank is the issue, I think our toilet is directly over the deeper end of the tank instead of the shallow end, so during extended stays the solids do not tend to move down out of the way like my motorhome did. So, my idea is to install a toilet or device that when using the toilet for number 2 it would grind it up as it went into the tank, this would keep from a pile forming right below the toilet and make dumping easier, plus I have a macerator for pumping out which works very well but I am thinking a double grind could only be better, and in the rare occasion I would need to use the turd totter it would make that easier too.

So does anyone out there have any suggestions???

Thanks gang, blue skies and round tires to all!
  • Pzilly wrote:
    Hello there fellow RV nuts.

    I think our toilet is directly over the deeper end of the tank instead of the shallow end,

    I'm no expert but I've never known RV black tanks to be anything other than rectangular and flat. No "deeper" end.
  • I've never seen a waste tank or FW tank with a "deep end" in it. Everyone I've seen is very uniform in size except when they start to get full which is of course normal with tanks that are flexible and hung under the rig.

    My kids where never shy with using water to flush, they usually used to much.

    A quick google and I'm shown that there are. Still believe that with enough fluids to start it's not a problem. Mine could be like this but since the belly is closed up I can't visually tell.
  • valhalla360 wrote:
    Over the deepest part of the tank, is best as that's where the solids will land in water rather than on dry bottom.

    Having spent time boat boating and RV'ing, you are adding more complication than you are eliminating by looking at a marine toilet. The first time you have to tear it apart, you will wish for the old RV toilet (and yes, you will have to tear it apart).

    Make sure you fill the tank before dumping and preferably put a few gallons in before dropping solids. If they land in water, it shouldn't be a problem...just don't be shy with flush water.

    No I am not looking for a marine toilet, I can find tons of those, and just rebuilt my manual and my buddies vacuflush in our cruisers this year. I am looking for a toilet that grinds as it drops straight down, I saw this in a van set up years back because the guys tank was shallow and he loved it.

    Perhaps I should have added some detail, while I do not full time RV anymore, I did for 5 years, then I built my own 32 foot custom toy hauler, and now we own a 34 foot large toy hauler, I am fully versed in how these systems work, as mentioned I built my own and loved it, just out grew it (kids). Well over the deeper end is fine if your tank is in fact "deep" this tank is only about 10" deep, which is very similar to the one I installed in the one I built, but I mounted that toilet closer to the shallow side, and it would actually slide down out of the way, and if it by chance didn't if I filled the bowl again and did a quick flush that would send it down.

    I haven't had any huge issues yet, but I can see the potential (kids again, sensing a trend LOL) I just remember talking with that guy on the job site about his set up and he said he was hesitant when he installed it, but in 3 years it had not missed a beat and made dumping and tank flushing a breeze, was just hoping someone else had a similar deal to get a brand name.

    Thanks guys!!!
  • shum02 wrote:
    Start with a good amount of water/fluid in the tank say 10-15% of capacity. I have never had an issue with the "pyramid of poo" in my rig and it has only happened to people I know because they refused to start with enough liquid in the tank. Nice soapy dish water helps as well.

    Thanks, water is not the issue, I have never had this issue on any past units I have had, I put my camera in there tonight and my suspicion's are confirmed, the toilet is over the deep end, my past Motor home and the toy hauler I built it was over the shallow end and gravity helped out. I will try the soap idea and the other person who replied with using some used soapy dish water though.

    I seen a macerating toilet I guy had in a van because the tank was shallow and the guy loved it, for the life of me I cant seem to find a 12 volt direct discharge unit.

    Thanks gang!!!!
  • Over the deepest part of the tank, is best as that's where the solids will land in water rather than on dry bottom.

    Having spent time boat boating and RV'ing, you are adding more complication than you are eliminating by looking at a marine toilet. The first time you have to tear it apart, you will wish for the old RV toilet (and yes, you will have to tear it apart).

    Make sure you fill the tank before dumping and preferably put a few gallons in before dropping solids. If they land in water, it shouldn't be a problem...just don't be shy with flush water.
  • 2112's avatar
    Explorer II
    Our gray tank fills much faster than our black. To address this, we do our dishes in a plastic tub that fits in the sink. When finished,there is about a gallon of warm soapy water in the tub.

    I take it to the toilet, open the toilet flap and pour the water directly down the pipe, directly into the tank in a quick manner. Doing this may solve your problem.

    Yes, it does take a little effort but that might be better than cleaning a clogged integrated grinder. Yuck
  • Start with a good amount of water/fluid in the tank say 10-15% of capacity. I have never had an issue with the "pyramid of poo" in my rig and it has only happened to people I know because they refused to start with enough liquid in the tank. Nice soapy dish water helps as well.
  • whjco wrote:
    We have a custom bus in our fleet that has a macerating toilet. It looks like a standard porcelain toilet but when the button is pushed, it first runs additional water into the bowl and then the grinder starts and the toilet flushes. It works fine if only toilet paper is put into the toilet, but if a tampon or other kind of solid material of that type is put into the toilet, it causes a malfunction that requires pulling the whole toilet off of the floor and manually cleaning out the grinder. Our maintenance crew just loves it.

    The toilet dumps into a holding tank that located directly under the toilet so one would probably mount in place of your present toilet. However, I'm wondering if the hassle of the macerating toilet might not be offset by just using a wand through your toilet to wash down the tank and maybe use a digesting treatment in the tank?

    Hey thanks for the reply, curious if you know what brand it is?

    I am actually also considering another option, we have a fresh water flush port where I can hook a hose up outside to a port to spray the tank down, wondering if I could plumb the 12 volt pump to it with a button inside, obviously with a back flow preventer, but not sure it would spray the right way or be strong enough.

    wow amazing what people will toss in a toilet without thinking or caring, but if someone in my family puts a tampon in the toilet they can sleep outside, I have taught them better then that LOL.

    Kind of surprised a tampon will stop that, but its probably because its 12 volt, I have a macerating sump in our basement and that thing could grind a box of tampons ( I probably just jinxed it LOL)its the only toilet our son is allowed to use at home hahahaha
    Thanks again!
  • We have a custom bus in our fleet that has a macerating toilet. It looks like a standard porcelain toilet but when the button is pushed, it first runs additional water into the bowl and then the grinder starts and the toilet flushes. It works fine if only toilet paper is put into the toilet, but if a tampon or other kind of solid material of that type is put into the toilet, it causes a malfunction that requires pulling the whole toilet off of the floor and manually cleaning out the grinder. Our maintenance crew just loves it.

    The toilet dumps into a holding tank that located directly under the toilet so one would probably mount in place of your present toilet. However, I'm wondering if the hassle of the macerating toilet might not be offset by just using a wand through your toilet to wash down the tank and maybe use a digesting treatment in the tank?