Forum Discussion

JoeChiOhki's avatar
Explorer II
Jan 02, 2021

Interstate Golf Cart batteries, which line is best deal?

So, I've resumed work on Ms. Merry, and was looking back at one of my battery compartments and thinking "Hmmm..... I think that may be big enough to fit two golf cart batteries in".

So, I did a little digging, first looking back at the Costco Golf Cart batteries, because Interstate makes them, but alot of the reviews were coming back negative with the batteries having failed within the first year or just outside the 12 month warranty period.

So, since there's an actual Interstate Battery store literally across from that costco in the parking lot, I thought I'd take a look at interstate's main golf cart lines, because I've had decent service from their Group 27 Starting and Deep Cycle batteries.

There are, actually four different model lines of Insterstate Golf Cart battery:

Extreme Golf Cart Series
High Cycle Golf Cart Series
PowerFast Golf Cart Series
M Line Golf Cart (These are the ones I suspect are the ones Costco sells with their Kirkland branding on them).

Of the four, which tier is the best middle ground for durability vs cost?