Info from Fram telling their side of the story but notice they changed the makeup of the filter.
It has been brought to our attention that a few DaimlerChrysler service technicians are recommending that the FRAM PH3976 filter not be used on Daimler Chrysler vehicles withthe Cummins 5. 9L Turbo Diesel engine and that use of these filters can cause damage to the engine. Daimler Chrysler has informed us that they released a Technical Service Bulletin to their dealerships communicating a potential contamination issue and recommending the use of Fleetguard manufactured filters.
FRAM has been selling PH3976 filter for this engine application since the engine platform launch and it has maintained an extremely reliable service record. Late in 2000, Cummins and Daimler Chrysler brought to our attention a low incidence failure mode in their Cummins 5. 9L Turbo Diesel engine of the piston cooling nozzle plugging, resulting in engine failure. The plugging was caused by contaminates lodging in the nozzle. The contaminants included metal chips, calcium carbonate, polyethylene, and styrene butadiene that are not associated with filter manufacture, and a neoprene compound, which is used as a sealant on the tapping plate of the filter. There were also several other engine warranty issues determined unrelated to the piston cooling nozzle plugging that were part of the engine failure sample. A small amount of neoprene rubber was used in the FRAM filter as a sealant.
Throughout our investigation with Cummins & DaimlerChrysler on various engine failures, no conclusive evidence was found to assign cause to filters or other contamination sources. However, driven to satisfy our customers, the FRAM engineering team made modifications to the design eliminating the neoprene and expedited development and manufacturing to release a revised filter model number to PH3976A. With the design change on the PH3976A completely removing the use of neoprene, there is absolutely no validity in comments that the Fram filter should not be used for this application or that it may cause engine failures associated with plugged nozzles.
The Honeywell Consumer Products Group warranty policy also protects the consumer if it is determined that a FRAM filter is responsible for damage to an engine due to defects in design or workmanship. This information should be openly conveyed to our customers if they have any concerns or apprehension about using a FRAM filter for this application.'s the changes they made from the 3976 to the 3976A: HEAVY DUTY INFORMATION BULLETIN FRAM ANNOUNCES PRODUCT IMPROVEMENTS TO THE PH3976 THE PH3976 WILL BE SUPERCEDED TO THE PH3976A Several important product improvements have been made to the PH3976A: · The cartridge has been upgraded to contain a spiral center tube. · The retainer spring is more robust. 23% thicker and stronger material. · A plastic centertube seal has been added between the centertube and the tapping plate. This improvement creates a better seal between the filter cartridge and the tapping plate