On my last trip when I was opening the slide I noticed and heard the slide shake, make loud noise as if was to fall apart. And just now I try to open it, again and the same issue. Please advice if all it needs is grease, oil or service?
You entitled the thread "Is there something wrong here"?
I'm not sorry but it's polite to make it sound like I am but if your car started screeching from the front right side or your washing machine started spraying water all over the laundry room would you surmise that there was, actually, something out of the ordinary occurring or would you rush to the nearest internet forum to try to decide if this was, in fact, normal behavior?
There's a fairly simple and logical process though which you can step.
1. Has it always acted in this fashion. If yes, it's OK though you might have been screwed by your salesman.
2. Does it sound better than it did before? If yes then you're kosher. If no, there might be something wrong.
3. Does it make you smile? If yes, don't worry. If no get it looked at by someone with more credentials than a forum full of numpties, who while knowing it's messed up will merely speculate as to it's cause and waste your time.