Forum Discussion

PQB's avatar
Jun 16, 2013

Jayco Converter Upgrade

I have a Jayco Jay Flight 24RKS and want to upgrade the converter to a smart converter. The converter and the fuse panel are mounted together as one. What do I need to do to upgrade? Will a smart converter mount on the fuse panel in the same place and manner? Any help would be appreciated.
  • gserve wrote:
    Some converters have a plug in module you can buy for $30.00. I have 06 Jayco that I did this mod too. If your converter has a jack that looks like a telephone jack it can be converted to a 3stage convertor. Sorry can't think of the name of the convertor

    That would be an IOTA.
  • Some converters have a plug in module you can buy for $30.00. I have 06 Jayco that I did this mod too. If your converter has a jack that looks like a telephone jack it can be converted to a 3stage convertor. Sorry can't think of the name of the convertor
  • Thanks for the input. The reason I want to upgrade is to replace with a 3 stage charger so I don't boil my battery. I'll pull it and find the manufactureer and model.
  • rvten wrote: Look on converter inside panel. Find out just what make and model converter you have. Go to the web site zi posted. Find your replacement.


    PQB: Unless dramatically more 12V items were installed and these items will be ON during the same time, there's need to install a larger than factory size Converter. Its like the vehicle sizing engine thing. re: Vehicle came with V6, doesn't endure high loading or towing, then why upgrade to larger V8 engine? Much larger size engine would be a waste. Same with RV Convertors. If it came factory with 45A, then why upgrade to much larger 55A or 60A model?

    If wondering, my previous RV's factory convertor blew. It was a 40A and I replaced with a PDI 45A (only because RV dealer only had a 45A on their shelves). 40A to 45A was a simple in and out with no wire upgrade changes.

    For your RV and with no "dramatic" additional 12V upgrades (above factory build), then simply change with same size. Or, maybe 5 Amps more. Any larger upgrade would be a waste. And if doing 2+ size upgrades, connected wire might need upgrading as well.

    Hope this helps...
  • Thanks mbopp and Royb. Adding in a new converter and leaving the WFCO in place as a spare is a great idea.

    EDIT: Of course that's only if the old converter is still working.
  • I would go to the progressive dynamics converter website and put your model number in for your converter and it should tell you a direct replacement for your tt this is what I did they area little pricey but it solved all of my white noise interference I was having plus it will not cook your battery
  • Welcome to the forum!

    What converter do you have now? And why do you feel the need to upgrade?

    In my old HTT I had a "dumb" Elixir converter, so I added a separate deck mount IOTA 55 for better charging off a generator. I took the IOTA and mounted it on the ceiling of the front pass-through of the new TT, giving me a 3' cable run to the batteries. For AC power I added a line tapped off one of the front outlets, drilling a hole and adding an outlet and switch in the pass-through. The original WFCO got put on its own breaker so I can turn either converter on or off. Overkill? Maybe, but WFCO converters aren't known for going into bulk mode easily, and some cg's we go to have limited generator hours.

    If you still want to upgrade the converter, I'll add another vote for Randy at Bestconverter.

    Yeah, I know - solar. But a lot of our favorite sites are shaded so I didn't think solar was a good option in my case.
  • RoyB's avatar
    Explorer II
    If you already have a nice AC and DC Power Distribution Panel you dont really need to replace that. The converter/charger is usually a separate module or chassis located in the bottom of the Distribution Panel chassis. You can just replace the module/chassis only.

    Let Randy at BEST CONVERTERs know what you want to do and he can help you get setup. Just don't let him sell you a WFCO unit haha...

    I actually left my WFCO converter/charger in place and mounted my PD9260C 60AMP replacement converter/charger unit in a different location closer to my battery battery bank. Since my WF-8945 converter/chassis was new this gives a backup to use if I need it. I just flip the 120VAC circuit breaker ON-OFF for the one I want to use... I could never get my WF-8945 to go into smart charging modes so got a converter/charger that would immediately go to those modes using a remote control if I needed it to do so.

    Post what make and model you have that needs replaced - Lots of info on how to replace it can be found on google as well... Converter/charger units only need the 120VAC connection and two DC 12V cable connections... Thats it.... Some converters have built-in smart mode controls and some or remoted. My PD-9260C has the remote control type up inside the trailer where I can force the converter into any of its smart charging modes with the push of a button...

    Just my thoughts
    Roy Ken
    Look on converter inside panel. Find out just what make and model converter you have.
    Go to the web site zi posted. Find your replacement.