Forum Discussion

pmfinnegan2's avatar
Jul 20, 2013

Jayco White Hawk Refridgerator drain???

We just got a White Hawk 28 DSBH. We are currently camping in hot and humid temps. With my past travel trailers I always noticed a corrugated drain line coming out from the Refridgerator access panel. The White Hawk doesn't have this. So I opened up the access panel to see what was in there. What I saw was a tube for the condensation to flow into a drip pan. In my case the drip pan was half full of water.

My concern is where does this water go when it's time to leave? Seems to me it would splash all over behind the fridge causing all sorts of issues.

Is this some kind of design flaw?? Is there a remedy?

It is an Atwood Refridgerator
  • I'm thinking it would be best to extend the drain to the outside of the trailer like other trailers rather than letting it repeatedly soak the floor by splashing out of the pan. I share your concern.
  • I don't think the spillout will damage anything as far as the externals of the fridge unit. It may drip down the side of your trailer and cause some streaking though.
