BobaFett wrote:
Wow I have been crunching numbers, doing the math for every possible scenario but no math beats experience. Thank all of you for sharing your thoughts.
Kudos to you for actually being receptive to what you are reading!
Crunching numbers is good, but you have to understand all of the factors. IMO, there is simply no way you won't be overweight. That trailer, with propane, will be over 3,000 pounds before it rolls off the lot. Add the weight of the WD hitch and your wife and you will be nearing the 3,500 limit before you put a drop of fluid or an ounce of gear in either the car or the trailer. I'd bet you'd be over by a minimum of 10% with careful loading. Add in payload and frontal area restrictions and it will not be a successful marriage. Go pop-up or, if at all possible, upgrade your rig to tow your desired trailer.