FWIW I do not know the tech differences between them other than tank capacities which go to the Host.
We were at a Lance rally this past weekend and had a 1172 in the spot next to us that we toured. It is a nice TC for sure.
Also at the rally was a ex-Lance owner who stays in contact with the group and now has a Host Mammoth which we also toured. My DW has never liked a TC but when she climbed in the Host she said "WOW" I like this. It had the high/low table option and rear couch. It was very nice for sure. The Lance felt sterile inside in caparison to the Host. We also liked the floor plan better; especially the bathroom.
The long storage drawer looked much more useful than all the nooks and crannies I watched my neighbor with the 1172 pack his rig up in.
If the money is there for the 5500 and the Host AND it is what you like better, you already have answered your question.
FWIW I would go with the Host and 5500.