Reading about the pressurized testing got me motivated to try it.
Since I have a Fantastic Fan installed, I decided to add a reverse switch to it for pressurizing the interior.. It only cost $5.00 and will be a nice added feature as well.
This morning I used tape to seal up all of the heat/AC ducts and heat intake.
I then turned on the fan in high reverse. It is definantly pressurizing the interior. I can feel air rushing out around the door as I close it. If I have the door unlatched and turn on the fan it will push the door open about 2".
My concern is that when I spray the soap water mix on the window weep holes that no bubbles form. I tried increasing the amount of saop in the mix to no avail.... I think I should be getting bubbles in these locations , right?
For those of you that have done this, do your window weep holes create bubbles?
Maybe I need more pressure? It seems that with the airflow that I am getting around the door when I close it that it should be enough.
Rigging up a manometer would be a pain with my setup. I would have to create a sealed upening just for the tube...
Those of you that have done this, does my description of how much presurrization I am getting sound about right?
Before i get all involved of spraying everything, I would like to know if my setup appears to be sufficient.