We have 81 gallons in freshwater tank and carry up to six x 6 gallon Jerrycans. With proper conservation, this will last us more than two weeks. Black water conservation will last three or more weeks and the limiting factor is grey water. If protocol permits tossing dishwater on ground and the use of outdoor shower, then we can last a month. Water points are usually available within an hour of dispersed camping sites so the 36 gallons in Jerrycans permits setting in for a lot longer time.
2006 Chevie 4 x 4 diesel (dualie)
2013 Open Range 337RLS
1.4 kW of solar (90 V from roof)
8.6 kW-hr of LFP (at 48 V nominal)
4.0 kW Magnum PSWI
TriStar MPPT-45