time2roll said:
“This generally gives the standard PD or the PowerMax with adjustable voltage an advantage. Both drop to 13.2 volts for long term.”
Agreed, a PD 9245 is what I have (with tethered CW for ‘boost’ mode) though I mostly charge via solar, and only occasionally to 100% SOC…However, when seeking a full charge (say for periodic cell balancing and SOC meter resync’s) I prefer 14.4 for boost voltage…I discontinue charging (assuming shore power…) once cell balancing has completed, and since we primarily camp off-grid, don’t bother with a ‘float’ mode…Thereafter, 660w *solar and 400a/hr LFP typically fills-in any daily consumption gaps…
*(summer desert camping, additional 360w ground deployable)
3 tons