Forum Discussion

rsmith159's avatar
Nov 07, 2013

Lippert sofa slide

I just bought a 2008 Cirrus trailer and the sofa slide out is the Lippert single rack type with two teflon blocks at the corners of the wall opening instead of rollers. The slide has gotten out of adjustment and is bearing very heavily on the blocks, to the point where the fabric on the bottom of the slide has torn at the contact areas. There seems to be only one adjustment point at the front under the sofa (up/down) and my experimenting has only made matters worse. There must be a method to fix this problem. Maybe some one has a Lippert technician in the family.
I did a search and nothing comes up.

Rick in Cobourg
  • Thanks Scott... my slide room sits about a foot above the floor so it doesn't sound like the mechanism is the same as yours. I left it with a service place today and they seemed to have a good idea how to fix it up so I am biting the bullet and letting them go at it. Best to have it done by pros with the right equipment.

  • I too have a smaller Lippert sofa slide and started having problems with it rubbing too hard against the floor (carpet).
    I dug into it and realized I'd caused my own problems. I have a nylon or plastic piece that runs the width of the slide and as the slide comes in, the bottom slides across this plastic part. over the yeas I have stepped on the slide floor when it was in and this broke the plastic glide. So it doesn't support the slide very well anymore and does as you describe.
    So I have a choice; I can either try to replace this plastic part or I can make it better by installing some rollers for it to move on. I've found that short conveyor rollers would do the job nicely and I'm going to try and fit some in next spring.
    FWIW, with the slide all the way out I can lift the edge of the carpet and see the plastic part but it looks fine from that perspective. Frm the outside I can look underneath and see the plastic part and the area in the middle thats broken down.
    Maybe yours is similar.
  • Thanks guys. I have those files but there is no mention of slide adjustment procedure. I will try raising the whole slide with jacks but it seems to me that will require lifting outside and inside at the same time, not something to which I will look forward.
  • Here is a manual for sofa slide out.......LINK

    Pg. 5 Fig. 1 shows components
    Item 1 is the vertical adjustment plate
    Moving the plate up would raise it

    If that is not the correct one check for it here.....LINK
  • Search for "lippert slide out adjustment". There are several down-loadable instructions.