Forum Discussion

mfdengineer's avatar
Nov 14, 2015

Looking at 1997 HR Alumalite 35WCS, need advice

I currently have a 1984 Holiday Rambler Imperial 29 and have been looking at getting a bigger trailer. I want to stay with Holiday Rambler and prefer the aluminum roof which they stopped using around 1999. I have spoke with the owner of the trailer and he has provided me with several photos which I have provided the link to.

My initial concerns are the tires, they are Goodyear Marathons 225/75/15 with 5007 date code. The trailer has only been used once in about 2 years, and only the AC and fridge were used at that time. All gas appliances are unknown if they work. This guy bought it from an older couple who could no longer use it. He bought it to stay in while building his house but only stayed in it once. The trailer looks like it is in good shape but I found some fender damage on the drivers side under the water heater.

I am thinking about going to look at it, as it is 440 miles away from me. I have offered him $6500 for it and he has accepted it. I don't know if the tires will make it that far or would I have to take tires with me to get mounted. I just would like opinions on purchasing the trailer. I have done a lot of work to my 84 and I could trust it to be pulled across country tomorrow if I needed to. He does not know why the small piece of carpet is missing in the bedroom. It sort of looks like it has leaked. I will definitely check that out if I go look at it.

Another question is what would my trailer be worth. Everything works, and works good in it. The awning is two years old and has led lights on it. Please tell me what you think. I would appreciate it.

Looking at purchasing this for $6500
1997 Holiday Rambler Alumalite 35'

Currently own and camp with this
1984 Holiday Rambler Imperial 29
  • Your '84 looks amazing for it's age. The '97 is pretty rough. It's bigger otherwise not much of a "upgrade"
  • I would be concerned about the tires. Very concerned about them. That's a lot of miles to travel for 8yo tires that have been sitting their whole life.

    If you decide to try the tires, you need to inspect them for dry rotting/bulges, etc. If you can, jack it up and spin each wheel independently watching for buldges in in the tread that would indicate tread separation.

    Also, while jacked up, grab each wheel and try to twist side to side - this will show whether there are any bearing issues.

    Bearings could be a big issue as well, because sitting is very hard on them. Might be a good idea to take a temp gun and check bearings every fifty miles or so to make sure they aren't going out on you (should you buy of course).
  • Go look it over and if it meets your expectations then buy it and take it home.
  • Boband4 wrote:
    Are the tire size/bolt patterns the same for both trailers? If you are worried about the condition and dont want to buy new tires to get it home maybe you could take the spare and 2 tires from the 84 to bring the 97 home. You would have 2 spares plus 2 from the 84 to get you home.

    I already thought about that but mine has 5 lug wheels and the 1997 has 6 lug wheels. My dads fifth wheel is a 6 lug so I planned on taking his spare too.
  • Are the tire size/bolt patterns the same for both trailers? If you are worried about the condition and dont want to buy new tires to get it home maybe you could take the spare and 2 tires from the 84 to bring the 97 home. You would have 2 spares plus 2 from the 84 to get you home.
  • Gdetrailer wrote:
    mfdengineer wrote:
    He was asking 8250 for it and I first offered 6000. He eventually came to 6500. I'm just trying to decide if I want to work on another trailer. Mine spent most of its life parked on the coast so when I pulled it home I went through and did a lot to it. New wheels, electric brake assemblies, wheel bearings, new water heater, new countertop and sink, new carpet, new bathroom countertop and sink, new shower door and a few other things. The seams have been resealed with eternabond tape and vents have been resealed with lap sealant. Do I want to possibly go back through all of that with another trailer?? Decisions decisions.

    Anyone have a ballpark figure for the value on a 1984??

    I spent $700 on my 1984 26ft Komfort.. It had a lot of rot.

    Personally, I would never consider spending $6500 on ANY 31 yr old trailer..

    My trailer had aluminum roof and that didn't stop the leaks.. So really an aluminum roof doesn't mean it is better than a rubber type..

    The rot on mine was all around the edges of the roof.. The previous owners never ever refreshed any of the caulking..

    Its you money but at $6500 that is a very steep price.. If it was a Airstream I could see that because of the cult like following of it..

    The 1984 belongs to me. The one I am looking at is a 1997 which still makes it an older trailer at 18 years.
  • mfdengineer wrote:
    He was asking 8250 for it and I first offered 6000. He eventually came to 6500. I'm just trying to decide if I want to work on another trailer. Mine spent most of its life parked on the coast so when I pulled it home I went through and did a lot to it. New wheels, electric brake assemblies, wheel bearings, new water heater, new countertop and sink, new carpet, new bathroom countertop and sink, new shower door and a few other things. The seams have been resealed with eternabond tape and vents have been resealed with lap sealant. Do I want to possibly go back through all of that with another trailer?? Decisions decisions.

    Anyone have a ballpark figure for the value on a 1984??

    I spent $700 on my 1984 26ft Komfort.. It had a lot of rot.

    Personally, I would never consider spending $6500 on ANY 31 yr old trailer..

    My trailer had aluminum roof and that didn't stop the leaks.. So really an aluminum roof doesn't mean it is better than a rubber type..

    The rot on mine was all around the edges of the roof.. The previous owners never ever refreshed any of the caulking..

    Its you money but at $6500 that is a very steep price.. If it was a Airstream I could see that because of the cult like following of it..
  • He was asking 8250 for it and I first offered 6000. He eventually came to 6500. I'm just trying to decide if I want to work on another trailer. Mine spent most of its life parked on the coast so when I pulled it home I went through and did a lot to it. New wheels, electric brake assemblies, wheel bearings, new water heater, new countertop and sink, new carpet, new bathroom countertop and sink, new shower door and a few other things. The seams have been resealed with eternabond tape and vents have been resealed with lap sealant. Do I want to possibly go back through all of that with another trailer?? Decisions decisions.

    Anyone have a ballpark figure for the value on a 1984??
  • Both trailers are in good usable shape and both are worth what someone is willing to pay. I think $6500 is a bit much for a '99 but that is a heck of a lot of trailer. You might go a long time to find another of that size in that condition.

    The tires are 8 years old and if not used on a regular basis, would be beyond usable life. They might make the 440 miles if you take it slow and easy. Since you have six and are probably going to be shopping for a good deal, I'd try the trip home. You do have a spare so that should ease some of the worry.