Forum Discussion

gmcman's avatar
Jul 22, 2019

Looking for a tow vehicle for boat

Had to edit content regarding weight of boat.

We may end up with a boat before next spring, so I’ve been looking for another tow vehicle to serve double duty as an occasional daily driver. If we end up with a 28’ boat the total weight could hit 11.5K lbs. Boat is 8500 lbs, add fuel, water, gear and trailer and should be right at 11,500

I was looking into a 2500 suburban for a 26' boat but with the 28' then I may need to look elsewhere. I’m looking into a used tow vehicle no older than 2002, but newer than 2005 if poss, and trying to stay away from a dually. I want to say a burb' would get the job done but quite close to the limit.

Budget...I don’t need all the bells and whistles, just something to pull the boat with very occasional daily commuting. Would like to stay under $6K but I have no idea what to spend for this weight so all input and criticism is much appreciated.