Forum Discussion

ripley123's avatar
Aug 12, 2017

looking for owners manual for 1976 wander-star model 2002

hey everyone,im new here...just found this gem on google

i was given a starcraft camper trailer(1976 wander-star model 2002)i dont have an owners manual and dont want to try and touch any elecrical or gas lines till i have one

does anybody know where i can aquire one?i looked everywhere online and found nothing at all
  • I have copies of the owner's manual and the sales brochure for a 1971 Wanderstar 220 in .pdf files. I can email them to you if you PM your email address.

    Gas line for my trailer runs with a cast iron pipe from the tongue, aft, and had two "T" branches and a fitting for the furnace on the end. All of that is underneath the trailer. Copper tubing runs from the fittings on the cast iron pipe to the appliances.

    I don't think a wiring schematic exists for these old Starcrafts except for a converter diagram. It is pretty straight forward with a lot of wires in the ceiling cavity, dropped down to receptacles, lights, fans, etc. Most of the AC romex is in the walls.

    I need to get my photo hosting changed so that the restoration thread in my signature line can be used as a reference. Without images, it is nearly senseless.

    You could pursue getting an owners manual from Starcraft for your model year. They emailed to me within 10 min, YMMV.
  • Welcome to the Forum...
    You won't find one....and even if you do, it wouldn't help you very much. RV owners' manual are notoriously generic....mostly warnings and safety advice like...."Propane is flammable," and "Electricity can electrocute you."

    Probably you are going to just have to grab your tools and start. Enjoy your new adventure.