In February, we had a few hours to kill between appointments and went to the local (1 1/2 hrs away) dealership. We didn't find much that we liked and the salesman said that their new stock would be in by the end of February and we should come back then.
As we were leaving, a couple came in and were speaking with another salesman. Our salesman said "You might want to come back and look at theirs. They are trading their stuff out today for a new Cougar 5th wheel." OK, well, that's another trip. I just asked if we could go ahead and look at it. The owner agreed, but did say that their stuff was still all over it.
I LOVED IT! It was perfect for us. They had not priced it, but I gave them a low price. We went on our way since we had to get to another activity. We waited until the new models arrived and went back to look at them. We found nothing that we liked or could afford.
I again made the same offer on the 2009 model and it was accepted.
THEN, I had to sale my old TT, which I did on Craigslist.