OK I've been doing some reading thanks to you guys getting ready for the truck to go in the shop in the AM. One problem the shop does not normally work on Duramax diesels.
Ok I called my friend who did the filter change (who flew out of state in the meantime. I was taking him to the Tucson airport when this happened) if the old O-Ring came off with the old filter. Yes it did. He hand screwed it on and then gave it a 1/4 turn more. he has changed several in the past on this truck the same way.
Will talk to the tech about WIF sensor for cracks and nylon bleeder screw for wear.
Also it was hot down here in AZ (100 deg)Friday when this happened (about 40 miles into the drive) and the trans was reading about 200 deg so need to pay attention to a possible collapsing rubber fuel line. Forbid trouble with injectors as for the last couple of years we have been getting blue smoke at idle at times. Not effecting millage.
NOW talking to my friend he sez the guts of the NEW WIX filter rattled when he shook it. Is there anything that should be loose inside a new filter like that? If not I hoping it will turn out to be a bad new filter.