retcsgt wrote:
This reply is to KD4UPL. I'm glad you can't "imagine" and listed all the "while's" at what you can't/don't do. Have you ever heard of hypothetical terms? That's what I was using. As for the wanting to do? Yah, I stay at places I don't pay for electricity, why would I want to use propane? Any one in there right mind don't pay for what they don't have do. Nibble on that awhile.
I'm sorry. I didn't realize you asked a hypothetical question. Usually people who ask hypothetical questions don't ask about "recourse with the dealer" to resolve them.
I agree it's much smarter to use electric than propane. I would too. But it's an answer to what I thought was an actual problem you were trying to solve. Since apparently that's not the case I will refrain from bothering you anymore.