Yup, I struggled with that as well. Ford 6.4L owners that deleted and tuned theirs typically were very happy with the results, especially the dramatic increase in fuel mileage from not doing all those @#$& regens.
When I traded my 2010 in, I was seeing erratic and unpredictable regen behavior that was concerning to me, and that was after paying for a DPF replacement. The majority of my trips then and now have a work and play component to them, and the last thing I need is an unreliable truck to deal with.
Good luck with yours, I hope your shop can resolve the problem without having to hand over too much $$$. Do you know if the DPF on yours is designed to be taken off and cleaned? Mine wasn’t, although there are DPF cleaning shops that will even take a “non-serviceable” unit like mine was, cut it open and clean it, then weld it back together using flanges so it can be serviced more easily in the future.