Forum Discussion

covetsthesun's avatar
Jul 21, 2020

Mechanical Mystery...

2004 Chevy Silverado EC 1500 5.3L LT3 over 350kmiles. Passenger heated seat started getting wonky about a year ago. Local dealer thought it was the seating elements going we replaced them a month ago. Still acting wonky...but hard to track down the problem.

Wonk Factor: Heat will work fine for an hour...and then quit. Hit the button to restart and maybe it works for another 15 minutes. Hit it again and the light flashes and goes right back off. This will happen several times untill I get tired of pushing buttons.

Took it back to the dealer and they "can't reproduce the issue". It worked fine all day yesterday. Today...back to full wonk mode. But. Learned something new. IF no one is sitting in the will work perfectly and stay on. It appears to only malfunction if someone is sitting in the seat. :h

Dealer wonders if it's a grounding issue...maybe it thinks it's shorting out and quits..but maybe it's grounding out instead.

To be fair...this truck has been known to exhibit some passive aggressive tendencies at times. I'm "Driver 1" and it will forget my settings. It never forgets DH's "Driver 2" settings...and has been known to toss some of D2 info onto D1. His country stations kick my classical to the curb.

It's a puzzle. Anyone ever see this before? The seats..DH is probably messing with my settings!;)